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What do you want?

When someone asks me what I want, I freeze. My first response is usually, 'well, what do you want?' I defer to the desires and needs of others, and so it takes determination and quiet space for me to delve into my own un-articulated desires. I do want things, though! I want a thriving relationship with my wife. For us to laugh and cry together when we feel like it, for us to support each other. I want my son to grow in wisdom and compassion for people around him. He's sharp as a tack, but I want more for him. I want thoughtfulness, kindness, and love. I want financial security and globe-trotting adventures. I want good food and good laughter around a good table in a good home with good friends. I know that's a lot of good, but it's what I want.

What do you want? The other day I was thinking about what I love about coaching and spiritual direction. I landed on this phrase: I love helping people explore a spiritual, soulful, bodily awareness of what’s most important. And a lot of us don't have spaces that are dedicated to that kind of exploration. If you need that, I'd be happy to chat more about what that can look like. Meeting with a spiritual director and having multiple coaching relationships has helped me discover more about what I want, and how to move forward.

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